hey cow!
2001-07-15 - 1:37 p.m.

i was looking at the newspaper and a couple of things disturbed me. i read a headline stating: "students sending cow to kosovo". the picture was of many students standing in front of a very large, very plastic cow. i've seen this cow personally and i do not know why they'd want to send it to kosovo. what do war-stricken people in kosovo want with a fookin plastic cow?? so i was wondering this out loud when my dad started laughing. he informed me that they were sending a REAL cow, not the plastic one. but again, i have to question why. what to people in kosovo want with a cow?

if you know...please tell me. you could tell me in my guestbook, but since i don't have one, you'll have to email me. or might i suggest morse code? carrier pigeons? pony express?

.e r i n.

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