dirty ho gets banned
2001-07-16 - 9:37 p.m.

pete told me to go to the five iron frenzy chat room. he said that they're really uptight and will ban people for no good reason. so i went. i logged in as 'dirtyho' to see what would happen. they immediately asked me to change my name. i changed it to 'isthisbetter'. evidently is was. soon after, pete got banned. he didn't do anything to get banned. i asked the 'leader', kingskid, why he banned pete. he said it's because pete always acts 'this way'. that pete never listens and deserves to be banned. i told kingskid that it hurts pete's feeling getting all banned like that. i said, why is this chat so uptight? he said it's because there are children present and it's not like the filthy message board. he asked me why i wanted to go to that filthy board.

tonight, pete told me that his friend logged in to the chat as 'everybodysbiotch' and got banned immediately. so i go back to see if i'm un-banned. i am. i log in as 'worshipmeimjimjones'. this is part of the conversation:

worshipmeimjimjones: hello my children.

[the other people]: can you change your name? that's sick.

[the other people]: why should we worship you? you're not god?

worshipmeimjimjones: would you like some koolaid?

i get kicked. ordered to change my name.

i'm going to go back there now...see how fast i can get kicked.

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