2003-07-31 - 10:18 p.m.

my cursor doesn't show up on my screen so i'm not sure where my words will be typed exactly


see? like that period up there. it was supposed to end the sentence but instead i entered it twice or maybe three times and it does nothing.


i was stuck in traffic today. it was raining and everything was gray. and the road just seemed to stretch on forever because he was waiting for me. this is what i am reduced to. sap. and it's not even decent sap. it's sap about him and roads. and what is sap anyway? when i say it more than once i forget that i'm talking about mushy stuff and think i'm talking about trees. tree sap. i would always get tree sap on my hands when i was gathering pine cones to throw at the neighbor while he played that one song on his guitar over and over. cat scratch fever. and he didn't even know the whole song. what was i talking about

where is my


my buttocks is squinched tight in anticipation.

i fear the worst. t

im tired. tired and tiredtired.

and squinchy! squinchy with anticipation!

and i have to sneeze

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